PerDial 2019

The 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Computing and Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology (PerDial 2019) in conjunction with the IEEE PerCom 2019


Deadline was extended!
December 10th, 2018 (23:59 AoE)


The 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Computing and Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology (PerDial 2019) aims to serve as a platform for cross-disciplinary discussions on ways, problems, challenges and perspectives of mutual integration of Spoken Dialogue Systems and Pervasive Computing technologies.

The 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Computing and Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology (PerDial 2019)
in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2019)
11-15, March 2019
Kyoto, Japan

Call for Papers

Spoken Dialogue Systems have been a hot topic of discussion in a research community for the last two decades. They are an inalienable part of Human-Computer Interaction, and allow the integration of Artificial Intelligence systems in our everyday lives smoothly and naturally, through an easy, human-like communication. Pervasive Computing technologies can contact the user at a close level as well as be insensibly integrated into the environment, providing spatially distributed information. Being a part of the smart environment, each smart device serves as a mini personal assistant and requires an ability to interact with the user to be able to be more adaptive, user-friendly and effective.

While both topics have recently been an interest of researchers, questions of integration between pervasive computing and spoken dialogue systems have been discussed within each community. The Interdisciplinary potential of both fields has not yet been investigated in detail. A more active cooperation between both communities may open the way for more powerful and user friendly Pervasive Computing Systems. The proposed workshop will help to explore possible challenges and suggestions to progress them. We aim to create the first and unique venue for discussion and collaboration between experts from these disciplines.

Topics of this workshop include, but are not limited to:

Submission Guidelines

Paper Template
IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings
Paper format
double-column, 10-pt font, A4-size paper
Page limitation
6 pages
(The authors will be able to buy an additional page for the camera-ready version)
Submission page


Important Dates

Paper Submission Due
November 10Extended: December 10, 2018 (23:59 AoE)
Acceptance Notification
December 22Extended: December 31, 2018
Camera-Ready Due
January 11, 2019

Accepted Papers & Program

Opening __ Friday, March 15 8:40 - 8:45

Chair: Dmitrii Fedotov (Ulm University, Germany & ITMO University, Russia), Yuki Matsuda (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

Seesion 1 __ Friday, March 15 8:45 - 10:00

Chair: Alexey A. Karpov (St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)

Keynote __ Friday, March 15 10:30 - 11:00

Chair: Dmitrii Fedotov (Ulm University, Germany & ITMO University, Russia)

Integration of Spoken Dialogue System and Ubiquitous Computing

Yutaka Arakawa (Nara Institute of Science and Technology & NAIST, Japan)

He was born in 1977. He received his B.E., M.E., and Ph.D., from Keio University, Japan, in 2001, 2003, and 2006, respectively. He is an associate professor of Ubiquitous Computing Systems laboratory in Nara Institute of Science and Technology since 2013. He received IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award in 2011, 24th Hiroshi Ando Memorial Award in 2011, 2nd prize in mobile app competition held in MobiCom2014 and IPSJ Nagao Special Researcher Award in 2015. His current research interest is a participatory urban sensing, network application, and location-based information system. He is a member of IPSJ, IEICE, IEEE and ACM.

Seesion 2 __ Friday, March 15 11:05 - 11:55

Chair: Yuki Matsuda (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

Closing __ Friday, March 15 11:55 - 12:00

Chair: Dmitrii Fedotov (Ulm University, Germany & ITMO University, Russia), Yuki Matsuda (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

Presentation Guideline


Program Committee (*sorted by family name)

Organizing Committee
